Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hey There

I don't really know how to go about starting one of these things, so this might be a little awkward at first. I also don't really know what to write about. Lately I've just felt the urge to be more creative and to have some sort of outlet for this creativity. Except I don't really have much creativity; I just want to have it.

I'm two weeks into my senior year of high school, and it's looking like it's going to be a good year. I'm taking plenty of AP courses, but none of them are too difficult or time-consuming. I'm generally excited about this year, but I'm terrified about the whole "applying to college" thing. I can't make up my mind about where I want to go (I just know I like trees and old buildings...?) or what I want to study (cognitive science, linguistics, math?) and every day I get closer and closer to application deadlines. Scary stuff. But I don't want to bore anyone by blabbering on about my school worries. Okay and I also don't know how to end this, either, so, um, yeah, bye.

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