Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Don't put that kind of pressure on me

You know what's a terrifying decision to make? What to do with the rest of my life. I'm only seventeen years old, yet I'm expected to be able to choose a college to go to with a major in mind for a career that I will, in theory, stick with the rest of my life. How does being seventeen qualify me to make those kinds of decisions? I can barely decide what outfit to wear everyday (which, by the way, I quite enjoy doing, but maybe spend a little too much time doing). I mean I think I've finally figured out what I want to major in, at least I have it down to two somewhat related majors, but as I look at colleges that have both of these majors--linguistics and cognitive science--I'm realizing how few colleges actually do offer both degrees. This isn't a problem as long as I stick with one of those majors, but just a year ago I thought I wanted to do something with engineering, so who's to say that in another year I won't have moved on to English or some more obscure major? Why can't every college just offer everything? That would be nice.

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