Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wonderful Feeling, Wonderful Day

I'm starting to feel like everything is falling into place. I just feel like everything is going wonderfully right right now. For starters, it's fall, which means trees are pretty colors, the air is fresh, and the light takes on a fairytale-like quality. Where I live it's not even that cold, with highs in the 60s-70. My grades are the highest they have ever been, and I've applied to one college, with my application ready for others, I'm just too scared to click "Submit." I'm not the closest I've ever been with my close friends, but I'm starting to be less attached to them and do things that I really want to do on my own, because that's what I want to do. I'm figuring out what's important to me and what I want to get out of life. While I'm not sure of all the specifics, I'm starting to lay out some dots that I just need to connect. I've become more confident with what I want to major in in college, and now I couldn't be more excited about it. I have this amazing feeling that everything is going to work out well, that my dandelion wishes will come true.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Blog Name

I never really liked my old blog name or URL, but I couldn't think of anything better, but recently a friend reminded of a song we sang at camp in Yosemite, and I remembered how inspired I was by it. I feel like it's a much better title for my blog, and it actually really has meaning to it. If you've ever been to camp, you might know this song. It's called On the Loose, or On the Loose to Climb a Mountain. I haven't found a version I really like on YouTube, but I want to post the lyrics here for you to read.

This past April I went on a trip to Yosemite National Park. It was a bunch of sophomores and juniors from our area in Northern California, and we spent a week there. It was the best week of my life. There are so many amazing aspects of Yosemite, and if you've never been there, I highly encourage you to plan a trip there. It's absolutely beautiful there, I can't really even begin to describe it. It's also so huge that it's incredible humbling. I felt so free when I was there, and for some reason I can't explain, it gave me a sense of "I can go out and make a difference in the world." We sang this song on our last night there, around a campfire, of course. It really embodies everything I felt while I was there, and I hope you find some meaning in it, too.

Did you ever watch the sunrise turn the sky completely red,
Have you slept beneath the moon and stars, a pine bough for your bed
Did you sit and talk with friends, though a word was never said,
Then you’re just like me and you’ve been on the loose.
On the loose to climb a mountain,
On the loose where I am free.
On the loose to live my life, the way I think my life should be,
For I’ve only got a moment and a whole world yet to see.
I’ll be looking for tomorrow on the loose.
There’s a trail that I’ll be hiking just to see where it might go.
Many places yet to visit, many people yet to know,
For in following in my dreams, I will live and I will grow,
On a trail that’s waiting out there on the loose.
So in search of love and laughter, I’ll be traveling cross this land
Never sure of where I’m going, for I haven’t got a plan,
So in time when you are ready, come and join me and take my hand,
And together we’ll share life out there on the loose.
In this world that I am traveling, I will think of you this way,
Remembering your smile, for it seems like yesterday
When we slept beneath the stars, and we dreamed about this day
Now we have come together on the loose.
Do the trees in the forest make you sit and think of love?
Does it take you twenty times or more to count the stars above?
For I’m here now and I like it and the hours melt away,
And if I want I’ll stay here another day.
As I sit and watch the sunset and the daylight softly fades,
I am thinking of tomorrow and the friendships we have made.
I will value them for always and I hope you’ll do the same,
And forever we’ll explore life on the loose.
Now the moon is softly glowing and the stars are twinkling bright
Our laughter and our friendship have cleared this cloudy night
Come and join our flickering campfire, come and sing our happy songs
And together we’ll share life out on the loose.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Trick or Treat

I feel like I had some really good idea to write about, something actually somewhat important. But since I can't remember it, guess what? Halloween is coming up, which means I need a costume! I'm thinking of going as Amelia Earhart this year. I have this new tan faux leather bomber style jacket that I'm super excited about, so I'm thinking that will be my jumping off point. We've had the movie Amelia on our DVR for like 3 months, so I can watch that for inspiration. Right now I think the bottom half of my outfit will look kind of like a horseback riding outfit, but I feel like it kinda works? I have these grey skinny pants and my mom has some tight riding boots.
I love getting creative with my Halloween costumes. I don't think I've ever bought a store-bought one. Last year was my all-time favorite. I was the Morton salt girl. You know, on the black salt canisters, it's the girl in the yellow dress with the purple umbrella? I'll try to find a picture so you guys can see. What are some of your most creative Halloween costumes?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Straight Needle Hat

I knitted a hat! It is my second ever knitting project, and I am so excited about it. We have a new group at school that knits hats and donates them to shelters around town, and when we work on them at school we mostly just use hat looms. But when I got home from school yesterday it was grey and rainy out, so I was inspired to get out my knitting needles. I only have straight needles, so I wasn't sure how my hat would turn out. There are very few videos on YouTube for straight needle hats, and it's hard to find written instructions, too. Eventually through a combination of websites I found guidelines for size and when to combine stitches and whatnot. I think it turned out pretty well. It's small, so it'll be for a young girl, but I'm so excited about it! Here's how I made it:

  1. Since I used fairly thick, fluffy yarn (it calls for size 10 needles) I cast on 50 stitches to get it to be about 18 inches in circumference (straight length right now)
  2. I knitted 7 rows of regular stitches, then switched to purl one row, knit one row.
  3. After I had about 4 inches of hat, I knitted 8, then knitted 2 together, repeating until the end of the row. I purled one row, and then knitted 7 then knitted 2 together. 
  4. I repeated that until I had knitted 1, knitted 2 together. Then I just knitted 2 together for a whole row.
  5. At this point I needed a yarn needle, but I didn't have one, so I got resourceful and used a dental floss threader I got back when I had braces (a bit flimsy, but it did the trick). I cut off the yarn, leaving at least three times the height of my had as a trail (although it was a bit much). I threaded the "needle" and carefully took my remaining stitches off of the knitting needle and pulled the yarn needle through the stitch loops.
  6. From there I stitched the sides using a mattress stitch (I found a great video on YouTube for how to do it). You just take the yarn from where you pulled it through and start the mattress stitch. Voila! Hat!
My yarn had lots of little fuzzy bits that got in the way of my vision, so the mattress stitch didn't go perfectly, but  because of the fuzzy nature, you also can't really see my mistakes.

It's got a slight point, but it's cute

And this side has the seam. It goes right down the middle, but you mostly only see it at the top.

If anyone has any fairly basic patterns I'd love to hear them!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Don't put that kind of pressure on me

You know what's a terrifying decision to make? What to do with the rest of my life. I'm only seventeen years old, yet I'm expected to be able to choose a college to go to with a major in mind for a career that I will, in theory, stick with the rest of my life. How does being seventeen qualify me to make those kinds of decisions? I can barely decide what outfit to wear everyday (which, by the way, I quite enjoy doing, but maybe spend a little too much time doing). I mean I think I've finally figured out what I want to major in, at least I have it down to two somewhat related majors, but as I look at colleges that have both of these majors--linguistics and cognitive science--I'm realizing how few colleges actually do offer both degrees. This isn't a problem as long as I stick with one of those majors, but just a year ago I thought I wanted to do something with engineering, so who's to say that in another year I won't have moved on to English or some more obscure major? Why can't every college just offer everything? That would be nice.

Monday, September 19, 2011

I need help

It's Homecoming this week which means dress up days! Thursday is future day and I would love to dress up as Zenon Carr, from the Disney movie Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (as well as Zenon: the Zequel and Zenon: Z3). Pretty much the only thing I have is a pair of brightish blue tights. Not exactly her colors, but the right idea. Any ideas on the where to find the types of other clothing I need? I don't really want to do a bunch of sewing :/ Thanks!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

How could I forget?

Oh, and happy Constitution Day!

Where would I be without cheesy romantic movies?

My mom has discovered a new channel, called PixL. All it plays are slightly predictable yet cute romantic movies. So basically our DVR is going to be completely full in just a couple of days. My mom and I live for these kinds of movies. So what if you know how they're going to end? They're cute and happy :). We have our limits, though: nothing tooo cheesy.
We just got done watching one called Taste of Romance. It was sweet and not all mushy and sappy and terrible. There's this one scene, though, where a health inspector comes in to the lady's restaurant, and my mom and I swear it's a cameo appearance by Judd Nelson (you know, from the Brat Pack), but he's not mentioned anywhere online. Maybe you've found this blog by having the same idea as my mom and me and your search engine returned this post? If that's you, or if you're anyone else and you happen to have seen this movie, what are your thoughts? Is that Judd Nelson?

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's finally here

It's Friday! Are you as excited as I am? It's not that I actually have plans this weekend (social life? what?) it's just that I don't have school for two whole days. Which is the best feeling ever. I am getting my senior pictures taken tomorrow, but that's not a look-forward to thing. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm as vain as the rest of the girls my age and love the idea of acting like a model for a couple of hours, but it's not exactly a super exciting event. We actually don't even get senior pictures in our yearbook this year (big outrage) but my brother's friend's girlfriend has a start up photography business so she's pretty cheap, plus I'm paying for them and not my parents. They don't seem to see why I need them?

Anyways, I hope maybe someone will finally see this and the "you" will have an audience. In that case, what are  your big plans for the weekend? I hope they're more exciting than mine.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pretty snazzy, huh?

Did you read that right? You have to be sure to get the "sch" sound in, so it's "schnazzy" and not plain old "snazzy." Anyways, so far pretty much no one has seen this blog, but if you happen to stumble upon it you might like to know that I just redid the design. Yeah, I know, super exciting. It just needed to be lightened up, made more carefree. As do my posts, which will be all kittens and unicorns from now on, with the occasional cotton candy fluff thrown in. Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I'll shut up now. Maybe you'll stay and look around? I promise I'll get better at this...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I have way too much free time...

Which is why I find out about websites like I'm never going to get homework done ever again.

Monday, August 29, 2011

And so it begins

I swore to myself that I wouldn't procrastinate this year, and, while, it hasn't gotten too bad yet, I'm only three weeks into school and already finding myself not quite on top of my work as I'd like to be. Complaining about it on here probably doesn't help; I'm just wasting more time when I should be writing a current event. But now that I'm here, I might as well talk.

I have this thing for clothes. It's where most of my time and money go. Money because I buy the way too often, and time because it takes me at least an hour to decide what to wear each day. Lately my problem has been that the night before when I go to pick out my outfit (There's no way I'm waking up before six so I can have enough time to find an outfit) I get distracted and put on fall and winter clothes that I won't be wearing for months. I'm just fed up with the relentless heat here--it's finally under 100!--and I can't wait to wear boots and sweaters. Also, I got this new tan (fake)leather jacket, something I've been wanting for a long time, so I'm just a little bit eager to wear it. Why I put it on when I'm trying to figure out what to wear for a 99 degree day, I have no idea. I'm just stuck.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hey There

I don't really know how to go about starting one of these things, so this might be a little awkward at first. I also don't really know what to write about. Lately I've just felt the urge to be more creative and to have some sort of outlet for this creativity. Except I don't really have much creativity; I just want to have it.

I'm two weeks into my senior year of high school, and it's looking like it's going to be a good year. I'm taking plenty of AP courses, but none of them are too difficult or time-consuming. I'm generally excited about this year, but I'm terrified about the whole "applying to college" thing. I can't make up my mind about where I want to go (I just know I like trees and old buildings...?) or what I want to study (cognitive science, linguistics, math?) and every day I get closer and closer to application deadlines. Scary stuff. But I don't want to bore anyone by blabbering on about my school worries. Okay and I also don't know how to end this, either, so, um, yeah, bye.